? ??????????????Floral Whoosh? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.1 (71 Ratings)??3 Grabs Today. 16753 Total Grabs. ???
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Saturday, January 2, 2010

The Beginning.... of the New Year!!

I have had a great first couple of days of 2010 already and am starting to think of ways to make this year even better than the last! Resolutions, I figure, are the first step (even though most people do not keep them, I am going to try!!).  So as far as resolutions go, I start with probably the most common: LOSE WEIGHT! Obviously in college people gain weight (except for those freaks of nature that I'm extremely jealous of!) so my goal is to lose it!! I thought that if I blog about maybe it will keep me accountable! If I'm going to be honest with myself I probably need to lose about 30lbs... so that is my goal for this year.  I want to lose the weight the healthy way, through diet and exercise instead of scary diet pills! I'm waiting to get my internship schedule and planning my workout routine around it! Second, I need to work on being more financially responsibe (Step 1: I started a waytosave account!).  Before I am on my own completely I need to learn how to save money rather than buying a new outfit (I'm sure Lauren, my bestfriend and financial planner) will be happy to hear that!  Third, I am going to work on my patients and accepting people as they are instead of trying to change them.  These three resolutions, I feel, are a good place to start on my 2010 year of self improvement! (I sound like a Self-Help book! haha) 

So what have I been doing this New Years so far? Cory and I went to Lake Wedowee for New Years Eve and stayed at Kayla McLain's.  We went with Kayla and her now fiance Matt. (Congratulations!! Her ring is beautiful by the way!!) We had a great time with our old friends! I graduated with Kayla and Cory graduated with Matt (from Newnan High). We did not know whether to celebrate New Years at Georgia's midnight or Alabama's so... we decided on both!

"Here's to a New Year, in a new place, with a new job, new goals, with old friends, a great boyfriend, and a loving family."

After our great night at Wedowee we headed back to Newnan to do the traditional New Years Day meals with Cory's family for lunch and my house for dinner (we ate incredibly too much, it was like Christmas all over again).  I do not like greens so I didn't eat any but I'm still crossing my fingers for wealth! Hopefully the extra black-eyed peas will make up for it!

Today, Lauren and I actually decided to carry on our gun-shooting traditions by going to shoot skeet at Cory's! We had lots of fun shooting shotguns, guns with scopes?, and pistols! Although we did not shoot any moving targets, we set up some stationary skeet and hit a few of those! It is nice to get outside sometimes (even though it was freezing!) and enjoy the great outdoors. I never knew there was so much beautiful land behind Cory's house, I want to do more exploring now!

The girls did not hit too many, but the boys did!! Cory hit almost every single one (we swear he was practicing before we got there!).

It has been a great year so far so I hope that it keeps up! My internship starts tomorrow and I'm very excited but very nervous! Have to go pick out an outfit! Hope everyone has had as great of a new years as I have!