? ??????????????Floral Whoosh? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.1 (71 Ratings)??3 Grabs Today. 16753 Total Grabs. ???
???Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ?????My Galaxy (Red)? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.2 (57 Ratings)??3 Grabs Today. 4651 Total Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ???????Flower Ex BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

The Beginning.... of my blog!

So you can say that I have been inspired... I saw my friend Jen's blog today (to say it is cute is an understatement) and decided that I should begin blogging.  I recently moved back to my home town, Newnan, to begin my internship and therefore my life outside of college.  Another understatement is that the real world frightens me.  I think that blogging about my adventures in Newnan, in my Internship, and in the real world will frankly, help me cope. 

A little introduction... I am 22 years old and literally just moved back to Newnan from Statesboro.  Although I never thought Statesboro was anything wonderful (especially when it comes to shopping and restaurants) I already miss it! Under the direction of my best friend, Lauren, I have decided it is probably best that I live with my parents and sister during my internship to save some money.  That in itself (sorry mom, dad, and sydney) is going to be a big adjustment!  My family is awesome but I am used to living alone and having my privacy as well as not having to do my dishes as soon as I was done eating! (mom is a bit of a neat freak) Despite the OCD cleanliness, I love them.  I also live with two dogs and two cats now.  Giz, my puppy, and Ollie/Oliver are the two dogs and they are wonderful. Also in Newnan are my great friends from highschool (some from middle and even elementary school) and my great boyfriend, Cory.  Cory (aka Co Co), has been my boyfriend for around two years now (we are currently in the middle of picking out an anniversary date that will be at the end of January... the 29th maybe?).  He is pretty wonderful.  Although he is not "in your face" romantic, he is sweet in his own ways.  ( I find myself trying to think like him to find the romance and love in his actions and words). I love him. My friends from Newnan are also pretty great and will help me with how much I miss my friends from Statesboro.

All in all, I think living in Newnan will be a huge adjustment but will be a good chance to spend time with family and old friends.  Here are just a few pictures of my "support group" that I'm sure will help me through my transition into the real world:

Kelli, Me, Anna, and Lauren (my best friends from highschool)

Tina, Cara, Me, Jen, and Laura

Me and Cory

These people, along with my family, are the ones that keep me sane and support me everyday. I'm sure they will be mentioned a lot through my blogging adventure!