? ??????????????Floral Whoosh? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.1 (71 Ratings)??3 Grabs Today. 16753 Total Grabs. ???
???Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ?????My Galaxy (Red)? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.2 (57 Ratings)??3 Grabs Today. 4651 Total Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ???????Flower Ex BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Friday, February 5, 2010

The Beginning.... of my Internship!

Ok... so I've been a little busy, but haven't forgotten about my blog! (Don't worry Jen!)  In the past month, I have began my internship, began adjusting more to living with my parents again, began adjusting to no school but 40 hours a week at work (I have turned into an old person!), and began mine and Cory's third year together.  That's a lot for one month!

My internship started the first week of January and has been going great.  Personally, I get really nervous starting a new job but everyone is so nice! I work with about 15 girls and like all of them.  They have all been so sweet and helpful.  Although I majored in fashion merchandising, I have never worked in a clothing retail store.  Let's just say I love it but it is not financially healthy for me! Everyday I think I need something new and it's getting a little rediculous! I have got to start saving my money though! Every week I have to report back to Georgia Southern everything that I did/learned the previous week.  The last question is about joys and thrills that I experienced.  Here are a few so far:

  1. Visual Merchandising! aka worked on the window display for the store.  Here is a picture of the flowers I made for the window.

Look closely... the flowers are books! This was a lot of fun to do!

2.  I got my own desk!! I have never had my own desk before and this was especially exciting!
3.  I am learning how to design a website! I was sooo nervous about this project and it's actually going pretty well!
4.  I have met a lot of really sweet girls and love working with them as well as my boss! Lizard Thicket is a really positive, helpful learning environment and I don't think I could have chosen a better place to do my internship!

Apart from that, I have had lots of time to reconnect with old friends....

Also, I have been able to see some of my best friends from Statesboro! We all met in Atlanta for Alex's birthday and had so much fun!  It's good to know that just because I no longer live near them that we'll still stay in touch and be able to see each other!

Us at Andretti Raceway in Alpharetta! So much fun!

And Cory and I celebrated our anniversary in Atlantic Station at the Bodies Exhibit and Dialog in the Dark! If anyone every gets the chance to visit Dialog in the Dark DO IT! It was so awesome!

Instead of buying each other gifts for our anniversary (we're both short on money) we decided to write each other letters.  It was probably one of the best gifts I could have gotten.  Also, Cory sent me some beautiful flowers to work on the actual day of our anniversary.  He is so sweet and I appreciate him so much.  The first two years were a journey but they got us where we are today.  I love him so much and look forward to more years together!

So that was January... onto the next! I promise not to slack so much during February in blog world! Also, I am starting a blog for Lizard Thicket as well so everyone will have to check that out once it is up! I will keep you posted!